Wednesday, 19 November 2008


Communication... its a useful thing. Without it there would be caous. Theres lots of meanings and types of communication, but I'm talking about the kind of communication where you listen to others, pass on information and hold a conversation with them, conversing. Communication keeps a community, a society and people together.

Communication is an issue that Ive been dealing with a lot recently....

As a stage manager I have to communicate between my actors, the director, my lighter and anyone else in the company or management from the venue. It is my job to make sure everyone knows what they need to know.

Sometimes this chain of communication can be broken as i have found out. Conversations were not relayed to the lighter and so this caused a problem in our company. I had to then hold a meeting with everyone to address the break down in communication and to make sure everyone was on the right page. If there is no higher Archy in the company and we are all as equals then its very important that everyone has a say on an important decision..such as adding an extra date to a show...

For my theatre, film and wardrobe exam, myself and Sarah Lunn were planning to do an installation piece for the Roy Kenniher disabled home. We had designed an installation that would be accessible for the clinets who are in wheelchairs and their carers. We were focusing on making it heavily sensory as some clinets were blind.... unfortunately due to the lack of communication between us and the organisers at the home, the organisers have left without telling us and so our installation is no more...

Also communication in my personal life has broken down, my work has taken over so I am never in and so myself and my boyfriend have no time to communicate our feelings, which has led to the destruction of our relationship...

Keeping communiaction is hard... you need to work at it to keep it flowing...

1 comment:

Mark Griffin said...

Oh Emily... sounds like a frustrating time! Of course it's important to try and keep everybody in the loop, but you've also got to allow for a bit a of confusion and misunderstanding, especially at overload times.

A deep breath, chocolate and BLOCK CAPITAL TEXT MESSAGES with lots of expletives and exclamation marks works for me!

Sometimes people chose not to hear!